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We mourn the loss of Jacqueline Rocha Côrtes, a trailblazing activist whose life was dedicated to fighting for the rights of people living with HIV, particularly those in the transgender community. Jacqueline passed away on 14 August 2024, in São Paulo.

The NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board is gathering input for our 2024 report on Community Leadership in the HIV response, and we need your voice!

We are excited to announce the call for case studies for this year’s NGO report, which will focus on Community Leadership. This annual report sheds light on critical issues relevant to the global HIV response. This year, we’re spotlighting the indispensable role of community-led activities in achieving the goal of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.

We are seeking community proposals for thematic segments at the 56th and 57th PCB meetings, scheduled for June and December 2025. In line with the decision made at the 53rd meeting in December 2023, this call emphasizes the importance of community involvement in shaping the agenda to reflect the most pressing issues in the global HIV response.

The NGO Delegation is calling for nominations to appoint a representative to the Expert Advisory Committee on Evaluation, an independent body providing essential advice and guidance to the UNAIDS Evaluation Office. This voluntary position seeks candidates with substantial experience in monitoring and evaluation, as well as strong connections to global civil society working in HIV.

Civil society and the NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board are celebrating the adoption of a crucial resolution on human rights in the context of HIV and AIDS at the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council.

The continuous underfunding of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS has now trickled down to the Joint Programme’s governance. It is threatening the meaningful involvement of civil society in shaping the Joint Programme. The NGO Delegation reveals that multiple unsuccessful attempts have been made to engage UNAIDS and its funding Member States regarding the financial shortages. 

Are you passionate about community leadership, sustainability, human rights, and the HIV response? The NGO Delegation invites you to join us as this year’s NGO Report Consultant for our upcoming report, “Breaking the Chains: Community Leadership, Sustainability, Human Rights, and the HIV Response.” Why You Should Get Involved This is a unique opportunity to makeContinue reading “Become This Year’s NGO Report Consultant”

In 2019, San Patten was presented with an opportunity to co-run an independent external Expert Advisory Committee on Evaluation for UNAIDS. The UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board had approved the establishment of an independent evaluation function reporting directly to the UNAIDS Board. The function would comprise evaluation experts appointed by Member States, civil society, and UNAIDS Sponsors. Patten was nominated by the NGO Delegation to represent civil society in the committee. This seemed like a natural progression of Patten’s career, as she had been working in the field of HIV/AIDS for more than two decades at that point. 

News | 21 May 2024

In Memoriam: John Rock

With deep sorrow, we announce the passing of John Rock, a distinguished member of the NGO Delegation of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) between 2013 and 2014. John’s dedication and passion for international development, particularly in the field of HIV/AIDS, left an indelible mark on countless lives and communities.

The NGO Delegation is gearing up for its Strategic Planning Meeting, scheduled from 15-17 July 2024, to be held in Munich, Germany. This pivotal gathering aims to chart a course for the delegation’s future endeavors, addressing critical global health challenges and refining strategies for impactful advocacy. To ensure the success of this endeavor, the delegation is extending an invitation for a skilled facilitator, preferably based in Europe (due to budgetary constraints), to lead the discussions and guide the participants towards achieving their objectives.

Thank you to everyone who joined our recent Global Webinar for Civil Society! We delved into insights from the 53rd PCB meeting and looked ahead to the 54th PCB meeting. Missed the webinar? Catch up by watching the recordings through the links below. Stay tuned for more updates and events!

The 54th UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) thematic segment focuses on “Sustaining the gains of the global HIV response to 2030 and beyond” and will take place on 27 June 2024. The thematic segment will highlight examples of learning from countries in different regions across the Joint Programme. UNAIDS seeks case studies of successful programs and approaches to inform the session.

The NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS PCB is calling for nominations for Civil Society Advisory Group (CSAG) members. The CSAG supports the delegation’s working group in bringing forward pressing issues from a civil society perspective during the development of the thematic segment of the 54th PCB meeting. The topic of the upcoming thematic segment is: “Sustaining the gains of the global HIV response to 2030 and beyond.”

The NGO Delegation warmly welcomes Shamin Mohamed Jr., the representative for LetsStopAIDS, and Fionnuala Murphy, Head of Global Advocacy at Frontline AIDS, as the two incoming delegates for Europe and North America, respectively.

This meticulously crafted report embodies a collective effort and unwavering dedication toward addressing the challenges faced by individuals living with HIV amidst humanitarian crises. The findings, insights, and recommendations contained within this document reflect a deep understanding of the multifaceted issues faced by this vulnerable community.

In a significant stride towards eradicating HIV-related stigma and discrimination, the Global Partnership for Action to Eliminate All Forms of HIV-Related Stigma and Discrimination, co-convened by the NGO Delegation, has unveiled a new tool designed to empower communities in the monitoring and evaluation of stigma reduction efforts.

The NGO Delegation appreciates MOPAN’s diligent efforts in compiling this assessment, acknowledging the substantial work and careful consideration invested in its creation. The assessment thoughtfully addresses many critical issues, notably the concerns and grievances surrounding the Secretariat’s current performance, financial resilience, and relationship with co-sponsors. Most significantly, this assessment offers valuable insights into the perspectives of various stakeholders on UNAIDS, facilitating a constructive path forward, upholding its existence beyond 2030, and sustaining its core mandate now and in the future.

“As we look forward to the next thematic segment, we must continue to ensure the voices of people living with and affected by HIV are positioned front and center as we seek out appropriate multistakeholder efforts which countries, the private sector, and communities can take ownership to prevent new HIV infections effectively. Thus, we sincerely request that you submit a case study for this important thematic segment,”

Being an NGO delegate gave me a direct experience of global health diplomacy, where simple distinctions between policy and politics don’t apply. I had to quickly move from being the NGO outsider to finding myself very much part of reaching an agreement across significant divides: public health science, national and cultural interests, and a global rights-based approach to health, all within a context of intense multi-stakeholder lobbying and advocacy. Being an NGO delegate at the PCB is both exhilarating and exhausting. What makes it worthwhile is knowing that you are contributing even a little to ending AIDS and ensuring health for all. 

News | 28 August 2023

Request for proposal

The CCF is hosted by a civil society organization based on a two-year contract. The current contract is ending on 31 December 2023. The UNAIDS Secretariat and the NGO Delegation, therefore, have to start a procurement process to select the organization that will host CCF for the coming two years.

We invite Civil Society Organizations to share their ideas for topics for the thematic segments of the PCB meetings in 2024. Which burning HIV/AIDS-related matter deserves the attention of UNAIDS during its board meetings? Let us know!

Blog | 8 August 2023

Remember to #SayZero

Why should everyone should join in to further promote #UequalsU #SayZero? Because it helps spread the scientific evidence as released in the new WHO Policy Brief on HIV Viral Suppression that people living with HIV on effective treatment who are virally suppressed had zero risk of sexual transmission!

We proudly present our new visual identity and renewed website. At the end of the 52nd PCB meeting UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima officially opened the new website and congratulated the delegates with this milestone that aims to improve the communication of the NGO Delegation with its constituencies.

This year’s NGO report to the PCB is titled, ‘HIV response for people living with HIV during humanitarian crises and emergencies,’ the findings of this extensive study are to be presented at this year’s PCB meeting in December. However, this cannot be done without input and participation from you, as a civil society organization or activist within the HIV/AIDS spaces. 

With over 15 years of experience in human rights advocacy for India’s LGBTQIA+ community and other marginalized groups, Sonal Giani has carved a reputable name for herself in South Asia. She has a proven track record in enforcing gender equality, diversity, and inclusive practices/policies at sexual and reproductive health institutions across South Asia.  Her workContinue reading “Meet Sonal Giani, our new NGO Delegate for Asia & the Pacific”

From a young age, Myles John Mwansa yearned to be at the forefront of a movement that strives to transform the lives of young people in his country of birth, Zambia. His current role as the Executive Director of Zambia Network of Young People Living with HIV (ZNYP+) is a culmination of many years ofContinue reading “Introducing Myles Mwansa, our NGO Delegate for Africa”

Yesterday, 1 March, was Zero Discrimination Day. But what does zero discrimination really mean? Can it be achieved in a world full of military conflicts, gender-based violence, and racism, to name but a few of the issues that our societies are currently experiencing?

This year, the NGO Report will focus on U=U: Undetectable = Untransmittable and will be presented at the 51st meeting of the UNAIDS PCB in December 2022. The working title for the report is “U=U: A foundational, community-led, global HIV/AIDS health equity strategy”. We are seeking examples of good practices at country, regional, and global levels where community-led U=U has demonstrated increased and more equitable access to and improved uptake in treatment and care services within diverse communities across low, middle, and high-income settings.

Further to the 50th PCB meeting and as requested by the PCB, the PCB Bureau is pleased to call for interested PCB members, observers, Cosponsors, PCB NGO delegation, and other stakeholders to express their interest in being part of the informal multistakeholder task team on options and recommendations to address UNAIDS’ funding situation, sustainable financing, and immediate funding shortfall.

The thematic segment will provide an opportunity for the PCB to discuss the need for national programs that holistically address the needs of young people in all their diversity, especially young women, young key populations, and young people living with HIV. It will highlight the role of the education sector as an entry point for promoting comprehensive sexuality education––including HIV knowledge and awareness, prevention, testing and treatment, and ending stigma and discrimination.

Humanitarian access in Ukraine is extremely constrained, as the war has forced most international humanitarian responders to suspend operations within Ukraine and scale up at the border areas, but a number of national community-based and community-led organizations are still distributing urgent relief aid in the country. Priority needs for the affected populations are health and nutrition, water and sanitation, and, critically, shelter and protection from the conflict.

Based on the 2021 NGO Report we have produced a primer to summarise what the NGO Delegation has achieved in the past 25 years.

This online survey will provide information, including quotes/anecdotes and data, for the annual report of the NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB). The report will be titled Left Out: The HIV Community & Societal Enablers in the HIV Response. The report will be presented at the 49th meeting of the UNAIDS PCB in December 2021.Continue reading “Survey for our 2021 NGO Report “Left Out: The HIV Community & Societal Enablers in the HIV Response””

The zero draft of the 2022-2026 Unified Budget, Results, and Accountability Framework (UBRAF) for the United Nations Joint Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) is now available. The document is set to be approved by the PCB members during its upcoming 48th meeting. The UBRAF will set out the Joint Programme’s actions to support the Global AIDSContinue reading “Have a look at the zero draft of the 2022-2026 UBRAF”

News | 23 December 2020

Incoming delegates – 2021-2022

Three incoming delegates join the NGO Delegation as of 1 January 2021: Iwatutu Joyce Adewole, Charan Sharma and Maureen Owino.

In 2019, the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU), an independent review body for UN agencies, conducted an evaluation of UNAIDS governance and management. The JIU report, presented at the 45th PCB meeting in December, came up with a set of recommendations that will require implementation. It was also decided at the meeting to establish a PCB working group to review the relevant JIU recommendations and submit reports for the 46th and 47th PCB Meetings scheduled for 2020.

The NGO Delegation welcomes Dr. Winnie Byanyima as the new executive director of UNAIDS. As community activists and human rights defenders, we celebrate the opportunity to partner with a leader who brings on board a history in sustainable development leadership and a lifetime of advocacy for human rights and gender equity.

From April 29 to May 1, I had the opportunity to attend the UNAIDS Asia Pacific Regional Management Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand. The meeting was attended by the Senior Management Team from Geneva, country directors, and national staff from the region.

The people of Venezuela are experiencing an extreme lack of basic goods and services, including food, potable water, housing, electricity, security, and, most importantly, access to healthcare and life-saving medications, including ARV.

Both the IEP report and the Statement of the Staff Association raised extremely serious issues, some of which have been raised as far back as 2011. These issues now require swift, urgent, and robust action by the PCB and management of UNAIDS. This can be no time for rhetoric without actions or piecemeal rather than substantial and sustained organizational change.

The PCB agreed to establish an Independent Expert Panel to coordinate and complete a comprehensive review/audit on the prevention of and response to harassment, including sexual harassment, bullying, and abuse of power at UNAIDS in the past seven years.

The situation room is envisaged to show real-time HIV service delivery data, producing a comprehensive picture and understanding of the AIDS epidemic and the HIV response in the country.

After feedback received from representatives of civil society organizations following our initial statement, during late March and early April 2018, the NGO Delegation undertook and completed several key consultations, which included meetings with the UNAIDS Secretariat Staff Association (USSA), the United Kingdom in their capacity as current PCB Chair, and two civil society telephone consultationContinue reading “Update on UNAIDS’ sexual harassment policies”

With shrinking donor resources and the inability of traditional mechanisms to reach out to key populations using government established services, the civil society AIDS response is at risk of neglect.

The beginning of the dark age in the AIDS response in Indonesia Recently, a draft of revisions to the Book of Penal Code[1], known as KUHP, was submitted to the Parliament of Indonesia. Many civil society organizations and alliances see the revision of KUHP as an insult to the democratic process in Indonesia. If approved, theContinue reading “Revision of the Book of Penal Code”

In the dead of winter in mid-February of 2018, Michel Sidibé, the Executive Director of UNAIDS, attended a local HIV conference organized by indigenous communities in central Canada.

The local HIV Indigenous conference, Know Your Status HIV Forum – From Knowledge To Action, was held on February 14 and 15, 2018, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. It was organized by Saskatoon Tribal Council’s (STC) Health and Family Services, owned by the seven First Nations of STC.

News | 10 March 2018


With the emergence of the #MeToo movement and renewed calls for zero tolerance of sexual harassment in all sectors of society, we too, in the NGO Delegation, have had to confront our understanding of the issues, not just from afar in the arts, entertainment, media and political sectors in the United States, but closer to home, here at UNAIDS.

World AIDS Day 2017 marks the completion of the first 50 days, the midway point of the first 100 days of implementing the HIV Prevention 2020 Road Map. The Prevention Road Map, completed following extensive consultations with more than 40 countries, organizations, and civil society partners

Under the banner title “Refining and Reinforcing the UNAIDS Joint Programme Model,” the Global Review Panel convened a special multi-stakeholder consultation on the refinement of the UNAIDS Joint Programme operating model on Friday, 28 April 2017. More than 120 representatives from member states, Cosponsoring Organizations, the UNAIDS PCB NGO Delegation, and Civil Society Organizations attended in the day-long meeting

UNAIDS held a multi-stakeholder consultation on the findings and the recommendations made by the Global Review Panel that looked into the future operating model of the United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). The consultation covered three critical areas of the report – financing and accountability, joint working, and governance – that must be addressed so that UNAIDS can fulfill its role in reaching the 90-90-90 targets by 2020 and ending AIDS by 2030.

News | 17 May 2017


On this International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOT), the NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS PCB celebrates the sexual and gender diversities of our communities. It commemorates those who have suffered or lost their lives due to violence against sexual and gender minorities.

I was requested by Co-Chairs Ambassador Lennarth Hjelmåker of Sweden and Health Minister Awa Coll-Seck of the Republic of Senegal to present the recommendations of the Global Review Panel (GRP) on the third pillar, which is on Governance, at the multi-stakeholder consultation that happened on April 28, 2017.

The NGO Delegation congratulates Erika Castellanos and the Board of Directors of GATE on Ms. Castellanos’ recent appointment as director of programs.  Founded in 2009, the Global Action for Trans Equality (GATE) is an organization that promotes and supports transgender and intersex rights. 

We join the global community in congratulating Laurel D. Sprague, Ph.D., on her recent appointment as the incoming executive director of  GNP+. Dr. Sprague, who served as the North American NGO delegate from the United States from 2014 to 2016, will now move to Amsterdam, The Netherlands, to oversee the largest global network of people living with HIV as the international community seeks to end HIV/AIDS by 2030.

In keeping with the 39th PCB Decision Point 6.4, the PCB requested UNAIDS to establish a Global Review Panel to review the ‘fit for purpose’ and relevance of the UN Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS. This was intended to respond to the budget crisis facing UNAIDS, with the aim to make the Joint Programme more efficient.

Blog | 1 August 2016

Close brush with death!

Lucy Wanjiku, leader of Sauti Sikika, an adolescent wing within All In! Kenya, supported by NEPHAK, was recommended by the NGO Delegation to speak at the Thematic Segment of the 38th meeting of the UNAIDS PCB in Geneva last June. Lucy shared what she understood as the role of young people (as part of the broader community most affected by HIV) in ending AIDS by 2030: to be listened to and engaged by committed leaders

The UNAIDS Strategy 2016-2021 sets the frame for the global priorities or targets at the upcoming High-Level Meeting on HIV and AIDS this June 2016. Aligned with five relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The ten UNAIDS targets enshrine the continuing vision of ‘The Zero Strategy’ with granular targets that address issues relating to location and population. AContinue reading “Setting the scene to include community engagement in the GARPR Indicators 2017-2021 and the High-Level Meeting on HIV and AIDS 2016”

According to the “Health for the World’s Adolescents” report in 2014 released by the World Health Organization, AIDS is now the second most common cause of death among adolescents aged 10-19 globally. This does not mean that we have to isolate HIV as an issue. The All-In to End Adolescent AIDS Launch Report by UNICEF early this year shows that adolescent girls are disproportionately affected because of gender-based inequality, age-disparate sex, and intimate partner violence.

Blog | 17 July 2015

Proving we can end AIDS

One year ago, after two years of organizing by civil society, New York State’s Governor Andrew Cuomo committed to end AIDS as an epidemic in the State of New York by 2020. If achieved, this would make New York the first high HIV incidence jurisdiction in the world to end the epidemic.

Blog | 25 February 2015

My first experience at the PCB

I am privileged to have been nominated by the Asia-Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW) to represent them on the NGO Delegation as the Asia-Pacific delegate. I am also honored to have Jeffery Acaba of Youth LEAD as my alternate, attending our first-ever PCB meeting.

To ensure the meaningful involvement of key populations and make their voices count in the development of the updated UNAIDS Strategy 2016-2021, UNAIDS conducted a series of consultations coinciding with the Asia-Pacific Intergovernmental Meeting on HIV/AIDS (IGM on HIV) in the last week of January 2015.

The Interagency Task Team on Social Protection Care and Support held the first ever research and policy summit on structural interventions to address social drivers of extreme poverty and inequality and AIDS on January 15 and 16, at the World Bank headquarters in Washington DC.

Patents became part of the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreement first in 1995 – called the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement. Developed countries had one year to ensure their patent laws were consistent with TRIPS.

On March 27, members of the NGO Delegation joined the UNAIDS Secretariat, cosponsors, and Member States in Geneva as part of a multi-stakeholder consultation to review progress in meeting the goals of the UNAIDS 2011-2015 Strategy.

Serious concerns have been raised relative to the stakeholders’ meeting that was held on 14-15 January 2014 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) capital Kinshasa. The meeting was the final country dialogue to validate the content and priorities of the country’s HIV concept note under the Global Fund’s new funding model (NFM).

News | 26 February 2014

HIV in Humanitarian Emergencies

The most recent face-to-face meeting on the Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on addressing HIV in Humanitarian Emergencies began with the acknowledgement of a major challenge. Both the global development and HIV agendas are undergoing speedy changes at the very same time.

For the NGO report of 2014, the NGO Delegation has chosen the topic of how intellectual property (IP) regulations impact the access to HIV treatment and what role civil society plays in addressing IP barriers to essential treatment.

We expressed concern and condemnation for the recent Nigerian Same Sex [Prohibition] Act 2014. The Delegation urged the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) along with its Cosponsors – UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, UN Women, ILO, UNESCO, WHO, and the World Bank – as well as Member States and multilateral and bilateral donors, to take meaningful action.

The sweet, familiar taste of bream fish, the feel of the warm African sun, and the beautiful colors and talents of open markets. I was back in Zambia… open to learning and excited.

News | 11 November 2013

UBRAF consultations

Substantial change is potentially underway, measuring the overall performance of the UNAIDS Programme as well as the Programme’s performance in relation to Civil Society. UNAIDS is gearing up for its Mid-Term Review at the June 2014 PCB Meeting. As part of that process, the Secretariat hosted a technical consultation on programmatic and financial accountability onContinue reading “UBRAF consultations”

The discussion on the new Strategic Development Goals (SDG) is currently a key agenda for the United Nations. Just as happened with the Millennium Development Goals – MDGs (which were even considered by many as reductionist when compared to the set of commitments made at the UN Social Cycle in the 90s, but is now referred to as the most far-reaching action outlined by the UN), the indubitable point at this stage is: “will how the Post 2015 goals are set, determine how resources and power will flow globally?”

For the past few months, we have been collaborating with the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS (GCWA) to promote the participation of women’s groups in the Post-2015 process. Out of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) established in 2000 to guide global development efforts, the fifth goal of improving maternal health by 2015 is the one in which the fewest countries have succeeded.

In March 2013, fighting between Sélékarebel forces and the Central African Army resulted in the ousting of President Francois Bozize and the overthrow of the government of the Central African Republic (CAR). Tens of thousands of people fled. Health facilities were looted, and many were abandoned. As a result, thousands of people living with HIV (PLHIV) on antiretroviral therapy (ART) are now estimated to be ‘lost.’

In early June, UNAIDS convened the first meeting of the Measurement and Evaluation Reference Group’s (MERG) Indicator Working Group. The purpose of the MERG is, as its name indicates, to measure and evaluate the performance of the UNAIDS Programme around the globe. The MERG currently tracks some 150 indicators of countries’ efforts to address the AIDS pandemic.

With this letter, we would like to kindly ask your Excellency’s support in advocating towards having HIV remaining as a high priority within the Post 2015 framework. This positioning is fundamental to realize the work we started 30 years ago, and continue to preserve the lives of people living with HIV and the robust effort to see an end to new HIV infections and AIDS progression in the 30 years ahead.

The federal government cannot require that groups using its money to combat HIV/AIDS overseas promise to oppose prostitution and sex trafficking, a divided Supreme Court ruled Thursday. Despite complaints from some justices that the government has a right to pick and choose who receives federal funds, the court ruled that such a pledge amounts toContinue reading “Supreme Court rules against US government in HIV/AIDS funding case”

UNAIDS launched a two-week online discussion (e-discussion) to engage the public in a conversation about the future of the HIV response in the post-2015 development agenda. This e-discussion generated more than 5,500 page views and 200 comments. The Report can be downloaded for your information and awareness. Key Recommendations: 1. Protect ambitious, disease-specific targets to sustain progress andContinue reading “UNAIDS publishes post-2015 e-discussion summary”

Our NGO Delegation

The Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) was created to serve as the governing body of UNAIDS. The PCB includes a Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) Delegation composed of five members and five alternates that represent five geographic regions: Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and North America.

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UNAIDS and the UN

UNAIDS was established in 1994 through a resolution of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and made operational in January 1996.

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NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS PCB
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