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© Winnie Byanyima addresses the 54th PCB Meeting on 25 June 2024

The NGO Delegation represents civil society on the PCB, the governing body of UNAIDS

The position of Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) on the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) is critical for effectively including community voices in the key global policy forum for AIDS. UNAIDS was the first United Nations program to have formal civil society representation on its governing body.

Representatives of ten NGOs form the NGO Delegation, representing five UN regions (Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and North America). Since its inclusion in the PCB in 1996 until December 2021, the NGO Delegation has had 88 organizations sit on the board, involving 111 representatives. The NGO Delegation has participated in all PCB meetings to date, bringing expertise, lived experience, and collective wisdom generated from its internal discussions and outreach with constituencies. 

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Vacancy for region Africa | 15 August 2024

NGO Delegate Africa Recruitment (2025-2026)

Vacancy for region Asia and The Pacific | 15 August 2024

NGO Delegate Asia and the Pacific Recruitment (2025-2026)

Vacancy for region Europe | 15 August 2024

NGO Delegate Europe Recruitment (2025-2026)

Vacancy for region Latin America and The Caribbean | 15 August 2024

NGO Delegate Latin America and the Caribbean Recruitment (2025-2026)

Vacancy for region North America | 15 August 2024

NGO Delegate North America Recruitment (2025-2026)

News & Blog

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We mourn the loss of Jacqueline Rocha Côrtes, a trailblazing activist whose life was dedicated to fighting for the rights of people living with HIV, particularly those in the transgender community. Jacqueline passed away on 14 August 2024, in São Paulo.

The NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board is gathering input for our 2024 report on Community Leadership in the HIV response, and we need your voice!

We are excited to announce the call for case studies for this year’s NGO report, which will focus on Community Leadership. This annual report sheds light on critical issues relevant to the global HIV response. This year, we’re spotlighting the indispensable role of community-led activities in achieving the goal of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030.

We are seeking community proposals for thematic segments at the 56th and 57th PCB meetings, scheduled for June and December 2025. In line with the decision made at the 53rd meeting in December 2023, this call emphasizes the importance of community involvement in shaping the agenda to reflect the most pressing issues in the global HIV response.

The NGO Delegation is calling for nominations to appoint a representative to the Expert Advisory Committee on Evaluation, an independent body providing essential advice and guidance to the UNAIDS Evaluation Office. This voluntary position seeks candidates with substantial experience in monitoring and evaluation, as well as strong connections to global civil society working in HIV.

Meet the delegates

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Martha Clara Nakato NGO Delegation

NGO Delegate of Africa | Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Alliance Uganda

Martha Clara Nakato

Martha Clara Nakato is a Health Rights Advocate who is skilled in program management, Policy Advocacy and youth movement building in the fields of HIV/AIDS, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Gender programming. She works with the SRHR Alliance Uganda as the Community of Action Facilitator for the WE LEAD program in Uganda.

Myles Mwansa NGO Delegation

NGO Delegate of Africa | Zambia Network of Young People Living with HIV (ZNYP+)

Myles John Mwansa

Myles John Mwansa is the Executive Director for the Zambian Network of Young People Living with HIV (ZNYP+). He is an expert in SRH/HIV with a background on Development Issues affecting people living with HIV. Experienced in SRHR/HIV prevention, strategies, through community collaboration and best practice approach interventions.

Midnight Poonkasetwattana NGO Delegation

NGO Delegate of Asia and The Pacific | APCOM Foundation

Midnight Poonkasetwatana

Midnight is the Executive Director of APCOM Foundation, an organization based in Bangkok, Thailand. He is also a member of various advisory committees, including the International Advisory Group of Dignity Network; Global Working Group for IDAHOBIT; World Health Organisation Global PrEP Coalition and Guidelines Development Group for HIV Testing Services; and, ASHM’s Regional Advisory Group leading on Key Populations of the Taskforce on BBVs, Sexual Health and COVID-19. In 2016, Midnight gave the Closing Plenary Statement at the 2016 High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS at the UN General Assembly.

Sonal Giani NGO Delegation

NGO Delegate of Asia and The Pacific | International Planned Parenthood Federation

Sonal Giani

Sonal Giani is a dynamic activist with over 15 years of experience advocating for LGBTQIA+ rights in India and South Asia. She is a Senior Technical Advisor – Diversity and Inclusion at the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), where she provides technical assistance to Member Associations for implementing inclusive strategies and empowerment approaches in the field of SRHR. Sonal has a proven track record of advancing inclusive practices by operationalizing Gender Equality and Diversity and Inclusion policies across the region. Her technical expertise has been instrumental in fostering gender-equitable and LGBTIQ+-friendly SRHR services, information, and education within the broader framework of SRHR.

Aleksey Lakhov NGO Delegation

NGO Delegate of Europe | Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA)

Aleksei Lakhov

Aleksei Lakhov has more than 15 years of experience in the area of HIV and AIDS, viral hepatitis, substance use, and harm reduction. His work experiences include being the Development Director of the largest Russian harm reduction organization “Humanitarian Action” (Saint Petersburg); General Manager of the Harm Reduction NGOs Coalition “Outreach” (Tallinn, Estonia); Steering Committee member of the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association; and World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) consultant.

Fionnuala Murphy NGO Delegation

NGO Delegate of Europe | Frontline AIDS

Fionnuala Murphy

Fionnuala Murphy is Head of Global Advocacy at Frontline AIDS and has been in her current role since 2019.  She has worked in campaigns and advocacy on HIV, human rights, and gender justice for 20 years at organizations including Harm Reduction International, ActionAid, and Youth STOPAIDS, and has collaborated with partners from around the world to support multiple Global Fund replenishments to achieve important wins on equitable access to HIV medicines (and more recently COVID-19 technologies), and to secure landmark commitments on harm reduction from the 2016 UNGASS on Drugs, alongside other outcomes.  Fionnuala grew up in Northern Ireland and draws on her personal experiences of conflict, colonialism, and community leadership in her approaches to advocacy and partnerships today.  She holds degrees in Law and Journalism.

Gaston Devisich NGO Delegation

NGO Delegate of Latin America and The Caribbean | Fundación Huésped

Gastón Devisich

Gastón Devisich is the Community Engagement Coordinator at Fundación Huésped, an organization member of Coalition Plus, where, he serves as the liaison between gay, bisexual and other men having sex with men and the projects implemented by the organization, especially in regards to scientific research. He is in charge of catalyzing emerging demands from the community that could lead to the design of new interventions, reporting back to the community with scientific updates and promoting meaningful participation of the communities in HIV Research & Development.

Xavier Biggs NGO Delegation

NGO Delegate of Latin America and The Caribbean | Jamaica AIDS Support for Life (JASL)

Xavier Biggs

Xavier Biggs is the Monitoring & Evaluation Manager at Jamaica AIDS Support for Life (JASL). He has been working in Civil Society (CSO) for the last 12 years. He is credited for transforming monitoring, evaluation and learning at JASL and the wider HIV CSO response in Jamaica by establishing standardised tools and knowledge products that are hailed as best practices by partners and have been adapted and adopted locally and across the Caribbean. He also provides technical support to the Strategic Information Unit of the Ministry of Health and Wellness through his participation in a series of technical working groups.

Cecilia Chung NGO Delegation

NGO Delegate of North America | Transgender Law Center (TLC)

Cecilia Chung

Cecilia Chung is the Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives and Evaluation at Transgender Law Center. She is a Health Commissioner of San Francisco and an internationally recognized civil rights leader in the LGBT and HIV community. Cecilia has previously served as the Co-Chair of GNP+ and is currently a member of the WHO Advisory Council of Women Living with HIV. In 2015, Cecilia founded Positively Trans, a network of transgender and nonbinary people living with HIV.

Shamin Mohamed Jr NGO Delegation

NGO Delegate of North America | LetsStopAIDS

Shamin Mohamed Jr.

Shamin Mohamed Jr. (he/him) is an activist widely recognized for his significant contributions to youth involvement in the global HIV response. At 15, Shamin founded LetsStopAIDS, a youth-driven and youth-led Canadian charity. His efforts as a youth leader were awarded when he was named one of Canada’s ‘Top 20 under 20’. Twenty years later, LetsStopAIDS has grown to become Canada’s largest Youth-HIV charity. Under his leadership, LetsStopAIDS has extended its reach to over 72 countries, promoting a sex-positive and comprehensive approach to sexual health.

NGO Reports

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The NGO Delegation’s Report to the PCB will focus on the importance of involving communities – key and marginalized populations, people living with HIV, and other communities hard hit by the AIDS pandemic – in the HIV response. A topic that has long been discussed by multilateral organizations, donors, national governments, and of course, communitiesContinue reading “2024 NGO Report: “Breaking the Chains: Community Leadership, Sustainability, Human Rights and the HIV Response.””

NGO Report of the 53rd PCB Meeting | 30 June 2023

People living with HIV during humanitarian emergencies

This year’s report to the PCB will focus on ‘People living with HIV during humanitarian emergencies’. The last couple of years have seen several different humanitarian emergencies arising from various parts of the world. Some of the most notable ones include the Russo-Ukrainian War, the ongoing conflict in Sudan, and the catastrophic hunger crisis in Somalia. These crises create gaps in the global response to HIV/AIDS for people living with HIV. You can now download and read the report.

PCB Summary Bulletins

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The Summary Bulletin contains the following sections: Report of the Executive Director, Report by the Chair of the Committee of Cosponsoring Organizations, Leadership in the AIDS response, Follow-up to the thematic segment from the 53rd Programme Coordinating Board meeting, Unified Budget, Results and Accountability Framework (UBRAF) 2022-2026; Performance Monitoring Reporting, Unified Budget, Results and Accountability Framework (UBRAF) 2022-2026; Financial Reporting, Update on strategic human resources management issues, Statement by the representative of the UNAIDS Secretariat Staff Association, Independent Organizational Oversight Reports and Management Response, 55th meeting of the Programme Coordinating Board and Thematic Segment: Testing and HIV.

The NGO Delegation’s Summary Bulletin for the 53rd UNAIDS PCB Meeting contains the following sections: Report of the Executive Director; Report by the NGO Representative; Leadership in the AIDS Response; Follow-up to the thematic segment from the 52nd PCB meeting; Follow-up actions to the 2024-2025 Budget and Workplan (UBRAF); Evaluation, Annual Report, and UNAIDS Management Response; Consultation on the follow-up to the 2023 ECOSOC Resolution; Next PCB Meetings; Election of Officers, concluding with the Thematic Segment.

PCB Meetings

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NGO documents will be added after the meeting has taken place. Please click the read more link for more information about this meeting.

Our NGO Delegation

The Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) was created to serve as the governing body of UNAIDS. The PCB includes a Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) Delegation composed of five members and five alternates that represent five geographic regions: Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and North America.

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UNAIDS and the UN

UNAIDS was established in 1994 through a resolution of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and made operational in January 1996.

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NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS PCB
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