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> Global Partnership introduces tool empowering communities to combat HIV stigma

In a significant stride towards eradicating HIV-related stigma and discrimination, the Global Partnership for Action to Eliminate All Forms of HIV-Related Stigma and Discrimination, co-convened by the NGO Delegation, has unveiled a new tool designed to empower communities in the monitoring and evaluation of stigma reduction efforts.


> Actions for Zero Discrimination

Yesterday, 1 March, was Zero Discrimination Day. But what does zero discrimination really mean? Can it be achieved in a world full of military conflicts, gender-based violence, and racism, to name but a few of the issues that our societies are currently experiencing?

Our NGO Delegation

The Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) was created to serve as the governing body of UNAIDS. The PCB includes a Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) Delegation composed of five members and five alternates that represent five geographic regions: Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and North America.

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UNAIDS and the UN

UNAIDS was established in 1994 through a resolution of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and made operational in January 1996.

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NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS PCB
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1054 CX Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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