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What does the regional and country-level data tell us, are we listening, and how can we better leverage that data and related technology to meet our 2025 and 2030 goals?

The topic of the thematic segment of its 49th meeting was “What does the regional and country-level data tell us, are we listening, and how can we better leverage that data and related technology to meet our 2025 and 2030 goals?”.The thematic segment took place on 10 December 2021.

The thematic segment will provide an opportunity for the PCB to discuss how the availability and strategic use of high-quality, timely and reliable data is critical to ending AIDS as a public health threat. In particular, the thematic segment will focus on the following issues:

  • How epidemic and behavioural surveys, population size estimates, service coverage data, resource allocation and spending data, policy data, etc. have helped countries achieve results in their national AIDS responses.
  • The main gaps and challenges that are preventing countries and communities from collecting, analyzing and using the data they need to guide their national AIDS responses.
  • The role of community-generated data to monitor the affordability, availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of services for the populations in greatest need of HIV services.
  • How countries can sustainably improve collection, analysis and use of data to guide national target-setting, planning, resource allocation, service delivery, the removal of legal and policy barriers and the strengthening of societal enablers, in line with global targets for 2025.
  • How UNAIDS supports countries to collect, analyze and report data needed to guide national responses, and to track progress against the Global Strategy and the commitments and targets within the UN General Assembly Political Declaration.

To inform the session, UNAIDS is seeking case studies of where high-quality, timely and reliable data has effectively been used for target setting, resource allocation, for maximising service coverage and for data-driven policy change.

Thematic Segment

Publication date

1 February 2023

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Our NGO Delegation

The Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) was created to serve as the governing body of UNAIDS. The PCB includes a Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) Delegation composed of five members and five alternates that represent five geographic regions: Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and North America.

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UNAIDS and the UN

UNAIDS was established in 1994 through a resolution of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and made operational in January 1996.

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NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS PCB
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