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Erika Castellanos at the 39th PCB Meeting
© Erika Castellanos at the 39th PCB Meeting


> Universal access vs the Nigerian Same-Sex Prohibition Act

We expressed concern and condemnation for the recent Nigerian Same Sex [Prohibition] Act 2014. The Delegation urged the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) along with its Cosponsors – UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, UN Women, ILO, UNESCO, WHO, and the World Bank – as well as Member States and multilateral and bilateral donors, to take meaningful action.


> Promoting women’s rights in the UN General Assembly

For the past few months, we have been collaborating with the Global Coalition on Women and AIDS (GCWA) to promote the participation of women’s groups in the Post-2015 process. Out of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) established in 2000 to guide global development efforts, the fifth goal of improving maternal health by 2015 is the one in which the fewest countries have succeeded.


> HIV crisis and the coup in the Central African Republic

In March 2013, fighting between Sélékarebel forces and the Central African Army resulted in the ousting of President Francois Bozize and the overthrow of the government of the Central African Republic (CAR). Tens of thousands of people fled. Health facilities were looted, and many were abandoned. As a result, thousands of people living with HIV (PLHIV) on antiretroviral therapy (ART) are now estimated to be ‘lost.’


> Supreme Court rules against US government in HIV/AIDS funding case

The federal government cannot require that groups using its money to combat HIV/AIDS overseas promise to oppose prostitution and sex trafficking, a divided Supreme Court ruled Thursday. Despite complaints from some justices that the government has a right to pick and choose who receives federal funds, the court ruled that such a pledge amounts toContinue reading “Supreme Court rules against US government in HIV/AIDS funding case”


> UNAIDS publishes post-2015 e-discussion summary

UNAIDS launched a two-week online discussion (e-discussion) to engage the public in a conversation about the future of the HIV response in the post-2015 development agenda. This e-discussion generated more than 5,500 page views and 200 comments. The Report can be downloaded for your information and awareness. Key Recommendations: 1. Protect ambitious, disease-specific targets to sustain progress andContinue reading “UNAIDS publishes post-2015 e-discussion summary”

Our NGO Delegation

The Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) was created to serve as the governing body of UNAIDS. The PCB includes a Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) Delegation composed of five members and five alternates that represent five geographic regions: Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and North America.

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UNAIDS and the UN

UNAIDS was established in 1994 through a resolution of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and made operational in January 1996.

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NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS PCB
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