The continuous underfunding of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS has now trickled down to the Joint Programme’s governance. It is threatening the meaningful involvement of civil society in shaping the Joint Programme. The NGO Delegation reveals that multiple unsuccessful attempts have been made to engage UNAIDS and its funding Member States regarding the financial shortages.
Are you passionate about community leadership, sustainability, human rights, and the HIV response? The NGO Delegation invites you to join us as this year’s NGO Report Consultant for our upcoming report, « Breaking the Chains: Community Leadership, Sustainability, Human Rights, and the HIV Response. » Why You Should Get Involved This is a unique opportunity to makeContinue reading « Become This Year’s NGO Report Consultant »
In 2019, San Patten was presented with an opportunity to co-run an independent external Expert Advisory Committee on Evaluation for UNAIDS. The UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board had approved the establishment of an independent evaluation function reporting directly to the UNAIDS Board. The function would comprise evaluation experts appointed by Member States, civil society, and UNAIDS Sponsors. Patten was nominated by the NGO Delegation to represent civil society in the committee. This seemed like a natural progression of Patten’s career, as she had been working in the field of HIV/AIDS for more than two decades at that point.
The NGO Delegation is gearing up for its Strategic Planning Meeting, scheduled from 15-17 July 2024, to be held in Munich, Germany. This pivotal gathering aims to chart a course for the delegation’s future endeavors, addressing critical global health challenges and refining strategies for impactful advocacy. To ensure the success of this endeavor, the delegation is extending an invitation for a skilled facilitator, preferably based in Europe (due to budgetary constraints), to lead the discussions and guide the participants towards achieving their objectives.
Thank you to everyone who joined our recent Global Webinar for Civil Society! We delved into insights from the 53rd PCB meeting and looked ahead to the 54th PCB meeting. Missed the webinar? Catch up by watching the recordings through the links below. Stay tuned for more updates and events!
The 54th UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) thematic segment focuses on “Sustaining the gains of the global HIV response to 2030 and beyond” and will take place on 27 June 2024. The thematic segment will highlight examples of learning from countries in different regions across the Joint Programme. UNAIDS seeks case studies of successful programs and approaches to inform the session.
The NGO Delegation to the UNAIDS PCB is calling for nominations for Civil Society Advisory Group (CSAG) members. The CSAG supports the delegation’s working group in bringing forward pressing issues from a civil society perspective during the development of the thematic segment of the 54th PCB meeting. The topic of the upcoming thematic segment is: « Sustaining the gains of the global HIV response to 2030 and beyond. »
The NGO Delegation appreciates MOPAN’s diligent efforts in compiling this assessment, acknowledging the substantial work and careful consideration invested in its creation. The assessment thoughtfully addresses many critical issues, notably the concerns and grievances surrounding the Secretariat’s current performance, financial resilience, and relationship with co-sponsors. Most significantly, this assessment offers valuable insights into the perspectives of various stakeholders on UNAIDS, facilitating a constructive path forward, upholding its existence beyond 2030, and sustaining its core mandate now and in the future.
“As we look forward to the next thematic segment, we must continue to ensure the voices of people living with and affected by HIV are positioned front and center as we seek out appropriate multistakeholder efforts which countries, the private sector, and communities can take ownership to prevent new HIV infections effectively. Thus, we sincerely request that you submit a case study for this important thematic segment,”
Further to the 50th PCB meeting and as requested by the PCB, the PCB Bureau is pleased to call for interested PCB members, observers, Cosponsors, PCB NGO delegation, and other stakeholders to express their interest in being part of the informal multistakeholder task team on options and recommendations to address UNAIDS’ funding situation, sustainable financing, and immediate funding shortfall.