We invite Civil Society Organizations to share their ideas for topics for the thematic segments of the PCB meetings in 2024. Which burning HIV/AIDS-related matter deserves the attention of UNAIDS during its board meetings? Let us know!
This year’s NGO report to the PCB is titled, ‘HIV response for people living with HIV during humanitarian crises and emergencies,’ the findings of this extensive study are to be presented at this year’s PCB meeting in December. However, this cannot be done without input and participation from you, as a civil society organization or activist within the HIV/AIDS spaces.
Yesterday, 1 March, was Zero Discrimination Day. But what does zero discrimination really mean? Can it be achieved in a world full of military conflicts, gender-based violence, and racism, to name but a few of the issues that our societies are currently experiencing?
Further to the 50th PCB meeting and as requested by the PCB, the PCB Bureau is pleased to call for interested PCB members, observers, Cosponsors, PCB NGO delegation, and other stakeholders to express their interest in being part of the informal multistakeholder task team on options and recommendations to address UNAIDS’ funding situation, sustainable financing, and immediate funding shortfall.
The thematic segment will provide an opportunity for the PCB to discuss the need for national programs that holistically address the needs of young people in all their diversity, especially young women, young key populations, and young people living with HIV. It will highlight the role of the education sector as an entry point for promoting comprehensive sexuality education––including HIV knowledge and awareness, prevention, testing and treatment, and ending stigma and discrimination.
Humanitarian access in Ukraine is extremely constrained, as the war has forced most international humanitarian responders to suspend operations within Ukraine and scale up at the border areas, but a number of national community-based and community-led organizations are still distributing urgent relief aid in the country. Priority needs for the affected populations are health and nutrition, water and sanitation, and, critically, shelter and protection from the conflict.
Based on the 2021 NGO Report we have produced a primer to summarise what the NGO Delegation has achieved in the past 25 years.
The zero draft of the 2022-2026 Unified Budget, Results, and Accountability Framework (UBRAF) for the United Nations Joint Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) is now available. The document is set to be approved by the PCB members during its upcoming 48th meeting. The UBRAF will set out the Joint Programme’s actions to support the Global AIDSContinue reading « Have a look at the zero draft of the 2022-2026 UBRAF »
The beginning of the dark age in the AIDS response in Indonesia Recently, a draft of revisions to the Book of Penal Code[1], known as KUHP, was submitted to the Parliament of Indonesia. Many civil society organizations and alliances see the revision of KUHP as an insult to the democratic process in Indonesia. If approved, theContinue reading « Revision of the Book of Penal Code »