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PCB Meeting
© PCB Meeting

NGO Report | related to the 55ème PCB Meeting

> 2024 NGO Report: « Breaking the chains: supporting community leadership and human rights for a sustainable HIV response »

The NGO Delegation’s Report to the PCB will focus on the importance of involving communities – key and marginalized populations, people living with HIV, and other communities hard hit by the AIDS pandemic – in the HIV response. A topic that has long been discussed by multilateral organizations, donors, national governments, and of course, communities themselves.

Calendar item | related to the 55ème PCB Meeting

> Global CSO Briefing

With the 55th PCB meeting approaching on 10-12 December 2024, we invite you to join the Global CSO Briefing on 27 November 2024, from 15:00 to 16:30 CET (21:00 – 22:30 Bangkok; 09:00 – 10:30 New York).

PCB Meeting | related to the 55ème PCB Meeting

> UNAIDS PCB Meeting

The 55th PCB will take place in Kenya from 10 to 12 December. The thematic segment will focus on addressing inequalities in children and adolescents to End AIDS by 2030. The virtual pre-meetings on the agenda items will be on 28 and 29 November. The consultation on decision points will be on 2 December. ThisContinue reading « UNAIDS PCB Meeting »

Thematic Segment | related to the 55ème PCB Meeting

> Addressing inequalities in children and adolescents to End AIDS by 2030

The 55th UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) thematic segment topic will be “Addressing inequalities in children and adolescents to End AIDS by 2030” andwill take place in Nairobi, Kenya, on 12 December 2024.  The thematic segment will provide an opportunity for the PCB to discuss addressing inequalities in adolescents and children in the HIV response includingContinue reading « Addressing inequalities in children and adolescents to End AIDS by 2030 »

La délégation des ONG

Le Conseil de coordination du Programme (CCP) a été établi comme organe directeur de l’ONUSIDA. Le CCP comprend une délégation d’organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) composée de cinq membres et de cinq suppléants représentant cinq régions géographiques: l’Afrique, l’Asie et l’Océanie, l’Europe, l’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes et l’Amérique du Nord.

En savoir plus >


L’ONUSIDA a été créé en 1994 par une résolution du Conseil économique et social des Nations Unies (ECOSOC) et rendu opérationnel en janvier 1996.

En savoir plus >


Délégation des ONG au CCP de l’ONUSIDA
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The Netherlands
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