NGO Report
Toutes les NGO Report >NGO Report of the 33ème PCB Meeting | 6 décembre 2013
The equity deficit: unequal and unfair access to HIV treatment, care and support for key affected communities
PCB Summary Bulletin
Toutes les PCB Summary Bulletin >33ème PCB Meeting | 10 décembre 2013
NGO Delegation’s PCB Summary Bulletin
The 33rd Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) meeting agenda covered items on the coordination of technical support, as well as the strategic use of antiretroviral medications for treatment and prevention of HIV. Discussions on the post-2015 agenda were also prominent throughout the Board meeting. Through collaborating with other Civil Society groups globally in a call for a High Level Meeting (HLM), the Delegation was able to lead on negotiations that successfully resulted in the PCB inviting the United Nations General Assembly to consider convening a High Level Meeting on HIV at an appropriate time after 2015, to help ensure accountability towards the achievement of universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support in the post-2015 era. A one day thematic session focussed on HIV, Youth and Adolescents was also held.
Agenda items
Toutes les Agenda items >No agenda items available yet.